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More Tips & Helpful Items

Additional advice and products that are often overlooked

but can make living with parosmia a little easier

smell training

Natural Gas Detectors 

Similar to

smoke detectors and

carbon monoxide detectors,

natural gas detectors

will alert you when a natural gas leak is present if you can't smell it because of anosmia.



The same essential oils that you use for smell training can be used in other ways with:

  • reed diffusers

  • ultrasonic humidifiers

  • essential oil burners

Reed Diffuser
Oil Burner

Take your smell training scents everywhere


diffuser jewelry...

necklaces & bracelets!

Don't forget to replace the batteries in your

smoke detectors. Because we can't

smell a burning fire.

Woman with Paper Mask

Always wear your

face mask in public

to avoid the bad smells that are everywhere.

Ignore the people who comment that you don't need to wear a mask

because they are

fully vaccinated.

Stainless Steel Soap

Eliminate strong odors

from your hands!

Example 1:

To remove 

play-doh & crayon

smells from your hands

Example 2:

To remove onion &

garlic smells

from your hands

It's scientific!

The metal molecules of 

stainless steel soap

combine with cold water

to create a

chemical reaction

by binding with the

smelly sulfur molecules

on your hands

and transferring

the offensive smell

to the metal soap

and off of your hands!

This is a useful item for anyone, whether or not parosmia is a problem.

stainless steel soap
to take your
daily Vitamins...
Daily dose of vitamins

Because if you're not eating a well balanced diet, you're probably not getting all the nutrients you need.

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